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April 28, 2011

COLD: doTERRA essential oils TIP #1

My little one has cold every season  😦  its not a good thing!  But since we have discovered  doTERRA oils its been under control~

 I am so thankful for this~

 We ALWAYS have OnGuard on the bottom of our feet (the whole family :D) to help with our immune system. As well as Lemon in our drinks or just few drops under our tongue~

 I apply BREATH on my son’s chest and behind his ears for his coughs, and LAVENER for his runny nose~

 You can also add 2 drops of Lemon and 2 drops of MELALUKA oils to water and gargle for your sore throat.




Make a steam tent for sinus/congestion issues. Put hot water into bowl, add 5-10 drops of Breathe essential oil. Place towel over head

For colds, flu, congestion and sore throat remedies. Make a essential oil-tea. 20x more powerful than herbal teas. 

페퍼민트 오일 한방울이 퍼페민트 티 27개 마신거와 같아요~ 레몬 오일 3-4 방울과 꿀조금 넣어 향긋한 레몬티 한잔 즐겨보세요~!  떼라플르보다 효과적인게 맞도 너무 이쁘네요!


Trouble getting up in the morning?

Rub 4 drops of doTerra peppermint on the back of your neck and wait few minutes and youll be wide awake! TRUST ME!

자꾸 졸려운가요? 퍼퍼민트 오일 3-4방울을 목뒤에발라보세요! 효과요? 함 해보세요~  ^^*


If you have any questions, please leave me a comment! Have a blessful day!